Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shopping in Jerusalem


"Yuppie" Mall Grocery Store

Old City
Shopping in the Old City is amazing--street after street, alley after alley, winding here and there--shop after shop--and everything and anything to buy. And shop keeper after shop keeper yelling, "I make you a good deal. Come and look." There are people and language of every kind. You could wander for hours and get lost and when you find your way out and walk a little ways you can find yourself in the "Yuppie Mall"--a very fancy and up to date shopping plaza, with a brand new Gap store. Which do I like best? The Old City is definitely more interesting and where I have a yearning to go back to over and over. But I do like the clean bathrooms in the "Yuppie Mall."
And grocery shopping is another adventure. I miss the nice big parking lots and parking that don't cost money, the wide aisles to go up and down, baskets that you don't have to put a 5 sheckle in to use it. The other day I walked in a grocery store and a man sitting at the door said something to me in either Arabic or Hebrew. I didn't know what he was saying. Finally a lady behind me said, "He wants to search your bag." Ok--that is a new one too.


Craig and Jana said...

Ok--I'm still learning how to do these posts. The top picture is the grocery store, the middle one is the "Yuppie" mall and the bottom one is the Old City.

Jami Jackson said...

Wow! You can go to a mall anytime here in the states, but the Old City looks like an adventure. Although I'm with ya on the clean bathrooms.

And why would that guys want to search your bag? Did you let him?

Talai said...

Yep, I would pass on the "yuppie" mall too if I could wander around those shops. Although I would be worried about their "good deals." I hate haggling over prices with people, it makes me so squirmish. I want a fair price right from the start.

I'm with Jami, so weird that he wanted to search your bag. I would have said "no" or would that have resulted in some sort of punishment?

Mother said...

Searching bags is a frequent thing here. We have had to open our car trunk a few times--when we have gone into parking garages. That's just the guys job at the supermarket--he can pick and choose whose bag he wants to go through.